Free Weekly Webinars  (Tues + Wed Evenings - 45 mins)

An introduction to our weekly webinar series

Knowledge is not power, it is only potential. Applying that knowledge is power. Understanding why and when to apply that knowledge is wisdom!  ~ Takeda Shingen

Register for your Free Webinar!

If you input your email below, a team member will get you set-up for our next scheduled ‘Money 101’ webinar. Remember these are free no-obligation classes. We enjoy helping others and would love to help you too!

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What do our free webinars help you with?

Whether you’re blessed with riches or merely trying to make ends meet, managing your money can be stressful. But it doesn’t have to be. Becoming familiar with basic financial concepts can help you make smart decisions about your money and bring you peace of mind. Below you will find frequently asked questions regarding our class.

Question: What do I need to start?

o access these classes, use the contact us tab and we will be in touch with dates, times, and the direct link. Feel free to bring your spouse, family members or friends!

Question: What if I have little money to work with?

Most of us start our financial journey with small amounts first and then build our security over time. Starting sooner than later is a powerful lesson.

Saving just a few dollars a day is powerful. (Maybe that extra cup of joe is costing your future self millions?) Our class discusses the various ways you might be able to start saving today!

Question: How long are webinars?

Webinars are typically right around 45 minutes.

Question: How will I get a link for webinars?

There are several ways for you to get connected into our weekly webinars. First, you can sign up below in the section labeled ‘Register For The Free Webinar.’ This is your fastest and easiest way to get in into our system for a webinar. You can also visit our ‘Contact Us” Page. Simply fill out the form and let us know you’d like an invitation to the class.

Question: What if the webinar isn't for you?

The Donnelly Team hosts ‘Money 101’ classes to help not only you but anyone interested in developing more confidence with money. Please remember that these are free, no-obligation webinars. If you feel uncomfortable or no longer want to receive a weekly webinar link, please reach out to a team member so we can resolve your issue! You may also be able to unsubscribe via email.

Question: Can I bring a friend or family member?

Absolutely, we love it when people share this information! If you have a friend that would like to attend our webinar, have them sign up just as you did here. Or have them join you for a “Watch Party”!

Question: What are my next steps after a webinar?

Most people have questions about the concepts we cover in the class. The next step is to let us know you’re ready to learn more about the topics you were interested in and we can schedule a 1 on 1 zoom connect or visit over coffee and share more of the details.

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The Krom Agency
a Partner of The Donnelly Team

We chose to be financial professionals because we believe in the importance of financial literacy and empowerment. We want to help serve families and business owners in America, because we believe everyone deserves access to quality financial advice and resources, regardless of their income or background. That's why we offer a range of life insurance policies designed to provide the peace of mind you deserve. Let us guide you through the process of finding the right policy that aligns with your specific needs and budget!

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The Krom Agency - a Partner of the Donnelly Team

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