Get to Know Daley and Matt.

As dedicated and experienced financial professionals, we are ready to guide you on your financial journey. Let's work together to build and safeguard your future!

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Daley Krom

Daley's story is a refreshing reminder that life often takes unexpected turns. Despite being the daughter of a nationwide company's co-founders, her path diverged from the norm, leading to a career in finance, a subject she once despised in high school.

In 2014, faced with a life-altering challenge, Daley chose not to back down but to confront it head-on. The next year found her at the corporate office of Five Rings Financial. While it was a great place to work, she hungered for more in her career.

She began part-time work, helping clients demystify the complexities of money. Before she knew it, she had forged a new career as a Financial Educator with The Donnelly Team, giving her the independence to be her own boss. Remarkably, within just 17 months, she achieved the prestigious title of Executive VP.

Her journey of self-empowerment had been a lifelong pursuit, but the last five years proved to be the most transformative and rewarding. Daley attributes much of her success to The Donnelly Team culture, the education it offers, and the incredible people she's encountered.

Her mission is clear: to educate all Americans about the intricacies of money and empower them to make sound financial decisions, fostering belief in themselves. Every day, Daley seizes the chance to help people gain control of their finances, whether they're starting out or transitioning from accumulation to distribution. She does this by offering intelligent, secure financial solutions and sharing insider knowledge that brokers might keep under wraps, like making your 401(k) provide lifetime income and insuring your income in case of health setbacks. Empowering others through knowledge and resources is her true passion.

Daley firmly believes that with the right tools and education, everyone can make excellent financial decisions. Beyond her professional role, she extends a warm invitation to connect over coffee or Zoom, eager to build meaningful connections. She recognizes that life is a shared journey, advocating for a community built on love and mutual support.

In a world where financial literacy is paramount, Daley shines as a beacon of enlightenment, championing not only financial well-being but also a spirit of togetherness and upliftment. As she wisely puts it, "We are all on this journey called life together; let's spend it loving each other and lifting each other up!"

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Matt Krom

Matt's journey has been a unique one, spanning over two decades in the construction industry. However, when he met and married Daley, he embarked on a new educational journey - the world of money and finance. Through sheer determination, years of persistent learning, and a touch of osmosis, Matt has emerged as a trusted leader within The Donnelly Team.

Matt's forte lies in forging meaningful connections with everyone he encounters. He takes immense pride in imparting the art of financial literacy, firmly believing that understanding the fundamentals of personal finance is the key to making money work for you. His primary goal is to assist every client in implementing a comprehensive financial strategy:

  • Safe Retirement Strategies: Matt is passionate about ensuring his clients enjoy retirement without the fear of outliving their income.
  • Tax Minimization: He specializes in helping clients minimize their tax burden both in the present and the future.
  • Financial Protection: Matt is dedicated to safeguarding his clients' lifestyles and families, especially during times of illness or incapacity.
  • Generational Wealth: He works tirelessly to help clients create a lasting legacy by building generational wealth.

Matt's commitment to financial education and empowerment is an invaluable asset to those he serves, and his ability to build relationships is a testament to his dedication.

Answers to frequently asked questions:

These might not answer all of your questions, so feel free to reach out by clicking ‘Contact Us.’ Lyall, Tina, or a member of our team will get back to you as quickly as possible.

Can we connect virtually?

Yes, much of our business is done remotely, this creates a safe and easy environment when needed and is easy for busy schedules.

We encourage visiting our weekly ‘Money 101’ webinars. It’s a great way to meet us and expand your knowledge base before we chat.

 If you are interested, view our ‘Free Webinar’ portal at the top of the website or click the ‘Contact Us’ page and request the class link.

Who do you help?

The Donnelly Team specializes in educating individuals, families and business owners meet their financial goals, first with education and then by facilitating and implementing the new choices… all with no fees! The incredible companies we represent pay us to help you so you don’t have to! How’s that for a new way to think about money mastery?

Simply start by clicking one of our several contact links.

How much does it cost?

There’s no-obligation to choose to work with us after we complete the educational process, but we think you’ll want to! Our ongoing support is free, most of our accounts are non-fee based with No Loss guarantees. (That’s correct, no-risk accounts that earn great interest are available to all of us! – think IRA rescue!)

Am I obligated to follow your advice?

No one is ever obligated to follow our recommendations. Our goal is to get you to the point of making the best choices for yourself, your family or your business based on your expanded knowledge of what’s possible for your particular needs and desires.

Will this make me rich?

We can’t guarantee you will live lifestyles of the rich and famous, but we will do everything possible to support you, your family, or your business into a worry-free future of financial success.

To get rich you might consider working with us! The financial services industry is one of the top paying industries to build a career in.

Scheduling a free, no-obligation conversation is quick and easy.

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The Krom Agency
a Partner of The Donnelly Team

We chose to be financial professionals because we believe in the importance of financial literacy and empowerment. We want to help serve families and business owners in America, because we believe everyone deserves access to quality financial advice and resources, regardless of their income or background. That's why we offer a range of life insurance policies designed to provide the peace of mind you deserve. Let us guide you through the process of finding the right policy that aligns with your specific needs and budget!

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The Krom Agency - a Partner of the Donnelly Team

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